0354 225 6542
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A Legacy of 100 Years
Keventers - A popular Restaurant in Darjeeling
Keventers was founded in 1911 by a Swedish dairy entrepreneur and technologist Mr. Edward Keventers on his journey to modernize the Indian Dairy Industry, which was passed on to The Jha Family in 1970.
We are proud to have served 10 million + people from all over the world
We have been lucky to have offered our services to people from every aspect of life, from travelers, writers, actors, movie directors, political figures, reasearchers, and more.
Create a Unique and a Memorable Experience
Keventer’s has been one of the favorites and must-visit destinations for travelers and the natives of Darjeeling for 100+ years. With the Majestic Views of the Kanchanjunga and locally grown & sourced food, we have been helping people experience the best of what Darjeeling offers.
Our Speciality
A Journey of Modern and Traditional Cuisines
Dive into the authentic taste of world-renowned Darjeeling Teas and traditional English Breakfast made from locally grown milk, meats & vegetables from a recipe over 100 years old.

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